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A Practical Demonstration by Sangorski & Sutcliffe in six stages

Bookbinding.    Sangorski and Sutcliffe,   [1926]        This comprises text on six pages bound in brown wrappers and, demonstrating the key stages of bookbinding, using C.T. Jacobi’s Gesta Typographica (beautifully printed in black and red by the Chiswick Press) as a vehicle: 1) Unstitched signature; 2) Signatures stitched together; 3) Boards in place (one sewn on, the other marked for sewing); 4) Cords sewn on, edges trimmed and gilded; 5) Morocco selected and marked for cutting (one half scraped, the other left in its natural state); 6) Tissue design marked out and tools indicated.The completed book shows the tooling in gold on the front cover and in blind on the back. The spine has a mixture of both. The front end-paper is pasted down; the rear end-paper is flapped to show how this stage is completed. All contained in a slightly frayed green fitted buckram box lettered in gilt.Extremely uncommon - the ‘edition’ must have been very small indeed. The first copy was made for permanent exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum. OCLC shows just two copies in the United States, COPAC none at all, but we are aware of the existence of four others as well as this copy and the V & A copy. 

Price: £3500
